Pepper and Salt Skipper (Amblyscirtes hegon)
Description: A very small, dark skipper with a checkered fringe on the wings. The forewing has a crescent of conspicuous small white spots on both sides; the underside of the hindwing has a series of subtle white spots. The underside is grey, the result of fine black and white scaling that gives the species its pepper and salt appearance. Fresh specimens often have a greenish cast on the underside. Pepper and Salt Skipper is similar to Common Roadside Skipper,
however in that species the spots on the forewing are limited to the leading edge and the underside is unmarked, with a purplish sheen in fresh specimens. Wingspan: 18 to 22 mm.
Maritime Distribution: Widespread in southern and eastern New Brunswick, limited to the south in Nova Scotia (prior to the Atlas is was recorded in Halifax, Hants, Yarmouth, and Annapolis counties). For Atlas results click here.
Provincial Ranks: NB: S4. NS: S2S3. PEI: -.
Flight Period: Late May to Early July.
Host Plant: Grasses (Poaceae) including Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis).
Notes: The Pepper and Salt Skipper is typically found in wet forest openings, including paths and wood roads near standing water. It is scarce and local, usually found as individuals, but often found in the same places year after year. It occasionally visits flowers and damp soil but is more often is seen perching on grassy vegetation in wet areas.