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Hoary Comma (Polygonia gracilis)

Description: Hoary Comma is most similar to Gray Comma. The best field marker to identify Hoary Comma is the great contrast between the inner and outer halves of the wings on the underside. In Gray Comma there is comparatively less contrast. Wingspan: 37 to 50 mm.

Maritime Distribution: Found throughout New Brunswick and a few sites in northern Nova Scotia. For Atlas results click here.

Provincial Ranks: NB: S3. NS: SU. PEI: -.

Flight Period: Hoary Commas overwinter as adults, and can be seen flying in April to early June and mid July to late August. There is one generation per year.

Host Plant: Various currants (Ribes spp.).

Notes: Hoary Comma is a rare species through most of its range although it is found with some frequency north of the Miramichi River in New Brunswick. Unlike other commas it is often seen visiting flowers, especially goldenrods (Solidago spp.)and Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis

All commas can be difficult to identify, and being able to do so with confidence requires experience. This is particularly true with spring specimens that are quite worn.