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Instructions for Atlassers

Participants Manual

Click here to dowload the MBA Participants Manual

Field Sheets

Below are the Site Visit Form and Voucher Data Card. The Site Visit Form is to be filled out every time a site is surveyed. The Voucher Data Card is to be completed for every photographic and physical specimen voucher. Instructions for the completion of both are found in the participant’s manual. A participation sign can also be downloaded as a PDF. Atlas participants can display this on their vehicle to inform owners that the participant is surveying in the area.

Site Visit Form - PDF/Word
Voucher Card - PDF/Word
Participation Sign for Vehicle - PDF

Priority Square Maps

While the MBA will accept records from anywhere in the Maritimes, atlassers are encouraged to adopt their own priority square. This will help provide an even distribution of observations across the Maritimes.

If you adopt a priority square you are encouraged to visit a variety of habitat types in the square. Locations with good potential include wetlands and bogs, o


vergrown fields, flower gardens, woodland clearings, wide woods roads or trails, and recreation paths. You are also encouraged to visit the site multiple times (every few weeks or so) from spring to fall. Visiting a variety of habitats at a variety of times during the course of the year is the best way to encounter the most diversity in a square. Remember that the Atlas is a five year period. If you miss a visit in August this year you can always visit the square August next year.

For the purposes of the Atlas, the Maritimes is split into 27 regions. Click here to view the 27 regions of the Maritimes.

Once you have identified the region you are interested in surveying, click on the link below to the more detailed regional maps below for locations of the priority squares. If you find a priority square that is of interest to you contact John Klymko ( to sign up for it.

Region 1 Region 10 Region 19
Region 2 Region 11 Region 20
Region 3 Region 12 Region 21
Region 4 Region 13 Region 22
Region 5 Region 14 Region 23
Region 6 Region 15 Region 24
Region 7 Region 16 Region 25
Region 8 Region 17 Region 26
Region 9 Region 18 Region 27