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Species Ranks

The AC CDC maintains comprehensive provincial lists of plant and animal species, with a conservation status rank (S-rank) and legal status for each species in each province (with Newfoundland and Labrador treated separately for ecological reasons). Species’ conservation status is assessed in collaboration with other experts. AC CDC maintains S-ranks for all terrestrial vertebrates, vascular plants, bryophytes (mosses and related plants), macrolichens and for many invertebrate groups. As of June 2024 our databases have provincial ranks for over 21,900 species, subspecific taxa and ecological communities. Through the links below you can access full lists of species with conservation status ranks, for each Atlantic province. Lists are organized by jurisdiction and by taxonomic group.

Learn more about AC CDC ranks here.

Rarity ranks and legal status by province

Web ranks updated March 27, 2025

Use our species ranks app. Please contact if you notice any issues with the app.

Province Taxa
New Brunswick All taxa (view) (download)
Non-vascular plants & lichens (view) (download)
Vascular plants (view) (download)
Invertebrates (view) (download)
Vertebrates (view) (download)
Ecological communities (view) (download)
Nova Scotia All taxa (view) (download)
Non-vascular plants & lichens (view) (download)
Vascular plants (view) (download)
Invertebrates (view) (download)
Vertebrates (view) (download)
Ecological communities - coming soon
Prince Edward Island All taxa (view) (download)
Non-vascular plants & lichens (view) (download)
Vascular plants (view) (download)
Invertebrates (view) (download)
Vertebrates (view) (download)
Ecological communities (view) (download)
Newfoundland Contact Adam Durocher
Labrador Contact Adam Durocher


Links to Other Species Ranks

Federal Species At Risk

General Status of Species in Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador Endangered Species